About Gurudwara Sahib

Gurudwara Baba Nihal Singh Ji Talhan

Gurudwara Tallan (Tapasthan) is situated at village Tallan in Jalandhar district of Punjab. This place is about 12 Kms away from Jalandhar city and 14 Kms from Phagwara. One can go to this Gurudwara from Phagwara as well as from Jalandhar by using G.T.Road (National Highway no.1). The guide map for reaching this Gurudwara is given for the convenience of pilgrims.
This place is called Tapasthan which is a very sacred place and is guarded by Sant Baba Nihal Singhji and Sant Baba Harnam Singhji. Gurudwara, Dewan Hall, Langar Hall, Kitchen, Akhand Path Hall, 24 Pilgrims Rooms, Tank of Nectar (Sarovar), Telephoneexchange office, parking complex, rest rooms for granthis and sewadars and Shaheed Baba Nihal Singh Charitable Hospital are spread in 30,000 square yards area. The Gurudwara Management have got 50 employees on its roll and have got a beautiful office with closed circuit T.V. However, there are large number of Akhand Path reciters which are not taken into the strength of Gurudwara.
The Akhand Path Hall of the Gurudwara is a sacred place where 40-45 Akhand Paths are always in progress. The Sikh Sangat from foreign countries and from India participate for offering their gratitude towards Babaji as their prayers were accepted by Babaji and their goals were accomplished. Many newly wedded couples comes here to get the blessings of Babaji for leading happy married lives, thereafter with their children for getting the happiness and long life for them.
The myth about the Tapasthan is that whosoever comes here with clear heart and regards for Babaji gets all their wishes fulfilled. Many of the couples who were deprived of the fruit of children were offered of this Prasad at this place by the blessings
of Babaji. The blessings in the shape of money flows to the devotees who arrive here with the prayers. However, all these blessings are offered to the devotees who are pure or who promises to lead a pure life on the directions given by Babaji. The directions of Babaji are Krit Karo (do your work), Wand Chako (share your earnings with those less fortunate) and Nam Japo (Recite the name of God). Sewa, the concept of service was the basic motto of Babaji. If anybody wants the blessings of Babaji, one should follow the basic principles and do the service in the Langar (community kitchen), shoe service, clean and sweep the Gurudwara, hear gurbani, recite gurbani. Ifpossible, teach gurbani. Consumption of liquor and meat is forbidden.
Large nicely built clock tower gate welcomes all the Sikh Sangat who visits Tapasthan for offering their respects to Babaji. This gate of Shaheeds is open to one and all irrespective of caste or creed. On the way to gurudwara, sarover (tank of Nectar) and Langar Hall will be on the left hand side. However on reaching the main gate of Gurudwara, one gets lot of peace and feels light as if lot of burden has been unloaded from the body. After going inside, one will find two 120 feet high Nishan Sahibs (flags) flying high and telling the tales of glorious history of shaheeds. Just near the Nishan Sahib at three places, Guru Granth Sahib has been installed. The first place adjacent to Nishan Sahib belongs  to Sant Baba Harnam Singhji, the middle one is general whereas last one near the Banyan tree belongs to Sant Baba Nihal Singhji. One near the Nishan sahib and one near the Banyan tree belonging to Sant Baba Harnam Singhji and Sant Baba Nihal Singhji were the samadhis initially where the people used to pay their regards. Slowly and steadily, Guru Granth Sahibs were installed in the memory of the Sant Babas.
However, as per the wish of Sant Baba Nihal Singhji, all who comes here are required to pay their regards to Sant Baba Harnam Singhji first and thereafter to Sant Baba Nihal Singhji.
Divine Jyoti :
Under the Banyan tree, the divine Jyoti has been installed in a temple type room. This Jyoti is continuously lighting and will continue to do so for times immemorial to come. The tradition of lighting the Jyoti was started by the mother of Sant Baba Nihal Singhji who used to light earthen Jyoti on the Samadhi of Babaji. This tradition is nowbeing continued by the followers of Babaji. The temple type Divine Jyoti room has been nicely built. Pure Ghee is used as fuel for the Jyoti. The light of this Jyoti is highly powerful and capable of vanishing the darkness of calamity. This Jyoti has brought the divine light into the houses of those devotees who have put the pure ghee in this Jyoti and have lighted the Jyoti in their houses after they got inspiration from this place. It is said that all such people got health, wealth and happiness for making their life comfortable. They got everything for which they have prayed to Babaji. Many people got cured of various serious diseases after making sincere prayers to Babaji. It is only iota of glimpse of miracles of Babaji.
Banyan Tree :
Banyan tree who has been witness of the miracles of Babaji also got its award as many of the young married couples comeshere after marriage for conveying thanks and for getting blessings for leading happy married life with health, wealth and happiness. As a mark of respect and thanks to Babaji, young couples tie the KALIRAS, presented to them by their near and dear on the branches of Banyan tree.
Banyan tree who has been witness of the miracles of Babaji also got its award as many of the young married couples comeshere after marriage for conveying thanks and for getting blessings for leading happy married life with health, wealth and happiness. As a mark of respect and thanks to Babaji, young couples tie the KALIRAS, presented to them by their near and dear on the branches of Banyan tree.
Rest Room of Babas :
Adjacent to the seat of Sant Baba Nihal Singhji, a beautiful air conditioned bed room has been constructed for both the Sant Babas. This room is maintained in a very nice way. Two beds for both Babajis have been placed for their rest. It is said that once Baba ji appeared in the dream of a follower and ordered for the construction of their rest room. This was discussed with other followers of Babaji. All were of the view to give shape to the dream and also appeared to be the mark of respect to Babaji. Therefore, these like-minded peopleappeared before the Gurudwara Management Committee and disclosed about the dream to them in detail. Lot of discussions took place, but ultimately management agreed for providing the bed room. The construction work was immediately started and within few days the construction was completed. Thereafter, beautifully designed beds, other tastefully designed items were placed in this room. Air conditioners have also been provided for providing utmost comfort. When you enter this room, one feels eternally satisfied and gets the happiness for which the people are wandering from here and there.
Mini Kirtan Darbar Hall :
Behind the building where three Guru Granth Sahibs have been installed is a very big hall over which is another similar size
hall which is called Sachkhand for which the entry is from side of Nishan Sahib. The Hall onthe ground floor is used for holding the special Kirtan Darbar.
Management Committee Office :
Attached with this hall is the office of the Management Committee which has been nicely maintained. To give the modern outlook and for keeping the eye on unscrupulous people alongwith effective management, the committee got installed closed circuit T.V. Cameras at important places all over in the Gurudwara. The activities are being watched in the office where
T.V. Set has been provided. The officials are very courteous and are always busy with the multifarious activities of the Gurudwara.
Sachkhand :
In order to go to this Hall at first floor, stairs have been provided near the Nishan Sahib. These stairs perhaps takes you to the gateway of SACHKHAND, where one gets eternal peace as there is continuous flow of Gurbani at this place through the chain of Akhand paths. Regularly, 40 to 45 Akhand Paths are being organized. Sikh Sangat from various foreign countries and from India are booking the Akhand Paths with the prayer for getting the fruit of their choice. On fulfilling their wishes after their prayers are heard by Babaji, the Akhand Paths are again arranged as a token of thanks to Shaheeds. The atmosphere in this hall is highly spiritual and one gets mental peace.
Rest Room for Guru Granth Sahib :
Just opposite to the Sachkhand Hall is small hall where all the Guru Granth Sahibs are laid to rest during the night time.
Rest Rooms for Pathis :
Just adjacent to big Kirtan Darbar Hall on the eastern side of Tapasthan, the rooms for the Akhand Pathis have been constructed. In three story building 44 rooms have been constructed and each room can accomodate four pathis. 140 Pathis can take rest here during day and night. One more story will be constructed in near future. Akhand Paath reciters take rest over here as they are to attend their turn for paath during odd hours.
Ancillary Room :
Below this, on ground floor are various rooms in which the Flour mill, Store room, Generator room etc. are there. However, Langar can also be prepared over here in the open area.
Langar Hall :
Attached with this building is Langar Hall. The entry to Langar Hall is from the main road. However, one can go from the passage provided from the Generator room side also which goes to kitchen and then to Langar hall. This passage is only for the devotees, who are engaged in cooking of the Langar. The Langar Hall is nicely built and can accommodate at least 1000 devotees at one time. All the people sit on the ground in a row over long carpet irrespective of high or low status in the society for taking Langar. People do the free service for cooking and serving the Langar. Many people do freeservice in washing the utensils. Every work in Langar Hall is nicely arranged. The Langar is available day and night. Both Sant Babas gave utmost importance to the system of providing Langar as it finishes the differences between high & low status of the society. Ultimately the system helps in controlling the ego of a person and make him peaceful. Thus the importance of Langar is very high.
Tea Langar :
Tea Langar is equally important and it is served in a similar way as the food Langar is served.Tea Langar is served in a hall adjacent to the langer hall.
People contribute to both the Langars by way of cash and by way of donating the consumables. Farmers of nearby villages contribute wheat, fresh vegetables, pulses, milk, ghee etc.
Pilgrims Rooms :
On the rear side of the Langar Hall a building of 24 rooms has being constructedfor the benefit of pilgrims who are coming from abroad and from various parts of India.
Kirtan Darbar Hall :
Outside the building of the Gurudawara, on eastern side a huge hall has been constructed for Kirtan Darbar which is used during Gurupurub. This hall can accommodate thousands of devotees at a time. Jathas from various places come for reciting the Gurbani. These Jathas depict the stories of Sikh Gurus through hyms and create the Gurbani atmosphere all over.
Telephone Exchange :
The Gurudawara has got telephone exchange in its complex, which is situated at the beginning of the complex near the clock tower gate.
Car, Scooter, Cycle Parking :
Large space has been reserved for theparking of cycles, cars and scooters . Devotees do the free service for arranging the parking of the vehicles.
Sant Baba Nihal Singh Health Club :
Keeping in view the good health of the people a health club in the name of Sant Baba Nihal Singh has been started. This health club is maintained in the proper way & is equipped with the latest equipments & has proved to be a boon for the residents of the Tallan &surrounding villages.
Sant Baba Nihal Singh Hospital :
Sant Baba Nihal Singh Hospital with ultra modern facilities is functioning in Tallan village. The hospital has facilities like X ray, E.C.G, Blood testing, Eye Treatment, Dental & Gynae at very cheap rates. Highly qualified and experienced Doctors are treating the patients.
Ambulance :
The Gurudawara management has also arranged an ambulance for the benefit of the patients for the nearby villages.
Tank of Nectar :
On the way to Tapasthan, on the left hand side before the Langar Hall, the Tank of Nectar has been built which is sanctified with Nectar prepared from the power of Gurbani. This tank is 90 feet in length, 55 feet in width and 6 feet deep.
There is separate arrangement for the ladies. The pilgrims come here for the purification of body and soul so that they can lead the life of a true gurusikh. The sikh way of life, if somebody adopts in true spirit, will make his life successful from all angles. This was the goal of the Sant Babas for which they have dedicated their lives. Hence theimportance of Tank of Nectar is highly significant.
Water Supply :
The Tapasthan has got its own water supply system. A large over-head tank has been constructed for regulating the water supply for the Gurudwara complex.
Festivals at Tapasthan
The sacred place of Tapasthan is full of festivals as almost everyday is a festival here. On every Sunday there is lot of splendour in the Gurudwara complex. The devotees of the Sant Babas from all walks of life give attendance at this place and pay their regards and pray for fulfilling their wishes. It can be said with confidence that one can offer the prayer wherever one is but the prayer will be heard by the Sant Babas and wishes will be fulfilled. Due to this fact the devotees are increasing day by day.

First Sunday of Bikrami Month :
The importance of Sunday festival increases if the Sunday happens to be the first Sunday of the month of Bikrami Calendar. On this day gathering of pilgrims increases and many come with special prayers. The Akhand paths (continuous recitation of Holy Granth Sahib) started two days ago are finished on this day. The programme is highly impressive and touching. The devotees feel enlightened with the atmosphere of gurbani. Group of Ragis through their singing of hymns enlighten the people with Gurbani. Guru-ka-langar is distributed continuously. Tea Langar is also available for all the devotees. On this day devotees from far and near arrive here with lot of consumables for contributing towards food & tea Langar. Morning till evening the spiritual atmosphere prevails. Many of devotees are seen doing sewa, the voluntary service.

Annual Congregation :
The importance of first Sunday of every month of Bikrami Calender increases, if the same falls in the moth of HAAD as on this day the annual congregation is celebrated. The celebrations starts at least one week earlier with sports like football, kabaddi, volley ball, tug of war, weight lifting, bullock cart race and wrestling. The game of wrestling & bullock cart race are highly admired by the crowd. Teams from various places participate in all the sports. Prizes and honour are awarded to the winning teams. Prizes are also given in the memory of Sant Babas to winning teams.
On the final day lot of temporary shops come up on the way to Tapasthan starting from the clock tower gate. The whole atmosphere of the place bears a festive look. The cycle, scooter and car parking are over filled on this day.
The chain of Akhand Paths which were started on last Friday are completed on this day with gaiety. On this day about one lakh devotees visit the Tapasthan starting from early morning to late night. There is lot of rush at the main gate of the gurudwara first for getting the receipt for Prasad to be offered and thereafter for getting the parsad for offering. There are many rows for entry at a time. However, the entry is controlled through barricade specially provided on this day. Lot of time is spent for offering the Prasad and prayers to both Sant Baba Nihal Singh Ji and Sant Baba Harnam Singh Ji.
The Kirtan Darbar is organized in new very big Diwan Hall, which has been constructed outside the main Gurudwara on the eastern side. Thousands of people can sit at a time to listen to the Shabad Kirtan from various groups of renowned Ragis. Groups
of Dhadis, group of musicians recites the tales of bravery of sikh gurus. Many radio/TV artists also take part in this congregation.
Guru-ka-langar for food, tea are arranged by the Managing Committee of the Gurudwara. However, many individual groups also arrange food, tea or cool sweet milk-water Langar. The devotees arrive in tractor trolleys with food and other items for distribution to pilgrims. Such devotees get eternal peace and feel happy as the sewa bestows happiness on them.
The bazaar on this day wears a festive look. Variety of shops and games like revolving swing, children horse-elephant type swings, increases the splendour of the congregation. Special lighting on this day is arranged over the gurudwara complex which beautifies the Tapasthan to its best.
The gathering of devotees in such a large number from various parts of India and foreign countries tell about their devotion to Sant Baba Nihal Singh Ji & Sant Baba Harnam Singh Ji.
Anniversary of Sant Baba Harnam Singh Ji :
The anniversary of Sant Baba Harnam Singh Ji is celebrated on fifth day of Magha of Bikrami Samwat as he left for heavenly abode on this day. The celebration are started with the finishing of Akhand Path. Kirtan Darbar is held where the groups of musicians sing gurbani in the praise of Babaji. Langar is also distributed.
As the name of the book salute to shaheeds (Pranam Shaheedan Nu) points out, the salute to Sant Babas will increase tremendously in times to come and they will bestow on us all the happiness alongwith fulfillment of wishes. Let all of us salute Sant Baba Nihal Singh Ji & Sant Baba Harnam Singh ji.